
Women Literacy and Training

Education has been the most significant area of concern for the Foundation. The organization  hold classes of non-formal education for the children of weaker & minority sections. These children were victim of all sorts of exploitations and abuse. Their parents did not realize the importance of education for their children. These parents preferred their children stay at home and help their parents in domestic activities. The organization motivates these parents to send their children to school. The SAWJAN conducted Classes for poor children aged between five to ten years at Aya Nagar, Delhi . The prime objective of these classes is to encourage children for attending the school at the early stage and aware their parents to send the child to school regularly for better education. The students has taught cultural heritage, age-old value system and social ethics etc., which also helps in their physical and mental development. Approximately 95 children (male 65 and female 30) attend the class and benefited by this problem. The Society  appointed experience teachers to teach the students without any problem.