SAWJAN Management Verticals
- SAWJAN regularly uses established procedures to maintain its revenue and expenses in balance.
- SAWJAN budgeting process leads it to allocate funds in a way that closely reflects its organizational priorities.
- SAWJAN regularly modify program expenditures based on findings presented in
internal financial reports
- Cash management procedures lead to timely disbursement of funds.
- A monthly financial reporting system exists and is accurate, timely and used for program and strategic management
- Internal and External financial audits are performed with regular and appropriate frequency.
- Audit finding are closed within six months of audit report.
- SAWJAN’s procurement practices are documented and contribute to the effective use of resources.
- Human resource Development:
- SAWJAN routinely offers staff training
- SAWJAN has an annual staff training plan
- SAWJANstaff training directly contributes to the achievement of its organization’s objectives.
- SAWJAN appears to have non- HIV/AIDS capacity building expertise that would benefit other NGO’s/ likeminded personnel’s
- Annual performance evaluations are conducted and merit based increments applied.
- Job description are documented, well defined and updated periodically.
- SAWJAN has appropriate staff skills and numbers to achieve its target and work towards its mission
- Supervisory practices enhance staff capacity to meet the organization’s objectives.
- Organizational Sustainability
- SAWJAN work to establish cash reserves equivalent to 15% OF annual operating budget.
- SAWJAN is experiencing important barriers to sustainable programming in the NGO.
- SAWJAN has cost recovery mechanisms built in to service delivery.
- Resource base is diversified.
- Projects are supported on a multi-year basis.
- SAWJAN has an endowment or similar mechanism in place which provides long-term financial sustainability.
- Networking and partnering
- SAWJAN actively engages in productive partnerships with other organizations.
- Partnerships foster financial benefits and technical skills that enhance the SAWJAN’s ability to accomplish its mission.
- Through partnerships, the SAWJAN develops new networks and relationships that enhance its ability to accomplish its mission.
- SAWJAN plays leadership role in promoting coalitions and network.
- SAWJAN maintains a collaborative relationship with the government in the areas in which works.
- Equitable participation
- SAWJAN ensures that community leadership has the necessary skills to carry out programs.
- Evidence of participatory approaches.
- Uses strategies to build constituency ownership of programs.
- Evidence of collaboration / partnering with other NGO’s /CBO’s.
- Evidence of networking with other NGO’s /CBO’s.
- SAWJAN regularly engages relevant policy makers and institutions in dialogue that contributes to equitable and participatory implementation.
- SAWJAN projects consistently promote equity at all stages of its design and implementation.
- SAWJAN modifies projects to address changing participant needs and priorities.
- SAWJAN stakeholder participates assessing needs, and in designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating projects.
- Program capacity-general
- Demonstrates ability to conceptualize a problem.
- Demonstrates situation assessment skills.
- Evidence of data collective skills.
- Evidence of ability to sensitize a community.
- Evidence of ability to design a program response to a stand problem.
- Exhibits existing training capacity through curricula, training materials, staff and evaluation tools.
- Evidence of monitoring and evaluation skills.
- Evidence of community mobilization skills.
- Demonstrates knowledge of sexual issues.
- Speaks freely on sex and sexuality.
- Organizational learning
- SAWJAN uses results – based indicators to assess project impact.
- Important information is openly shared throughout the Organization.
- Staff routinely has the information it needs to do its job effectively.
- SAWJAN promotes replication of model projects.
- SAWJAN has a system in place to apply best practices and lessons learned in program development and organizational management
- SAWJAN encourages risk taking, innovative practices and creativity amongst staff.